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Monday, September 3, 2012


Midlife can be a
woman’s halftime
celebration. Not only can
it be an opportunity to
reflect on and rejoice in
the life you’ve lived, but
it is also a good time to
plan your strategy for
the future. It’s
impossible to envision
the second half of life
without thinking about
your health, especially
your risk of developing
debilitating or life-
threatening diseases in
the future. Around age
50, the medical
decisions are changing
and coming more
frequently — when to
have a mammogram,
colonoscopy, or bone
density test, for
example. You may be
trying to decide
whether to have bunion
surgery, or a knee
replacement. Or you
may be puzzling over
the best way to
manage your arthritis or
irritable bowel
Women’s health studies
have shown not only
that women are
different from men
physiologically and
emotionally, but also
that it’s never too late
to feel better by living
better. This report
focuses on health, not
disease. It won’t tell
you how to get the
best treatments for
serious conditions. But it
will help you determine
the conditions for which
you are at greatest risk
and do your best to
avoid them. It will also
help you to better
manage chronic
conditions that may
erode your quality of
life, and to deal with
physical changes that
are more bothersome
than serious. It is
designed to give you
the information to
make the choices today
that will ensure you the
best health possible
tomorrow. CHECK BACK FOR MORE UPDATES!!. If you see this post so informative and educative, then Share!


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