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Monday, September 3, 2012


espite major advances
in drugs and medical
maintaining a healthy
diet, being physically
active, and not smoking
are still the best
approaches to
preventing heart
disease. Improving your
diet lowers your risk for
heart disease in many
ways, including helping
to lower high
cholesterol, blood
pressure, and blood
sugar and insulin levels,
as well as preventing
obesity and improving
the function of your
heart and blood vessels.
A crucial take-home
message of this report
is to consider the types
of foods that you eat
and your overall dietary
pattern, rather than
focusing on individual
nutrients such as fat,
dietary cholesterol, or
specific vitamins. There
are no single nutrients
or vitamins that can
make you healthy.
Rather, there is a short
list of key foods that
together can
dramatically reduce your
risk for heart disease.
A closely related,
second take-home
message is that you
cannot simply eat
“everything in
moderation.” Among
different foods, there
are clear winners and
losers when it comes to
risk of heart disease,
weight gain, and
diabetes. You want to
stock up on the right
foods, and minimize the
harmful foods. The rest
of this report will
explore practical steps
for eating your way to
a healthy heart.
Fortunately, a heart-
healthy diet is relatively
easy to define — as
you’ll see in the pages
to follow. More great
news: you don’t have to
give up great-tasting
food to eat for your
heart, as you’ll see
when you get to the
recipes section of this
report. CHECK BACK FOR MORE UPDATES!!. If you see this post so informative and educative, then Share!


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